Should countries have the right to possess chemical and biological weapons?

Strategy: – , –

Words and Phrases

 Words and Phrases 
fundamentallyadverb: basic, essential, or fundamental at a fundamental level
see dictionary
democratize(d)verbto make democratic
see dictionary
stay informedphraseto make efforts to know the latest information.
see dictionary
diversifying (diverse)verb (noun)to increase the variety of something
see dictionary
*empowered (to empower)adjective (verb)having knowledge, confidence, ability and means to do things and make decisions for yourself.
see dictionary
*perspectivesnouna point of view or understanding of something.
see dictionary
credibleadjectiveoffering good reasons for being believed or trusted
see dictionary
compromisesverbto come to a mutual agreement between two people, or to make a shameful or disreputable agreement
see dictionary
enhancedverbgreatly increase
see dictionary
*ensureverbto make sure, or make certain
see dictionary
verb: 動詞、noun: 名詞、adjective: 形容詞、adverb: 副詞

Sample Answer:

I don’t think countries should have the right to possess chemical and biological weapons. Let me explain why.

(negatives) First, countries use chemical and biological weapons as a threat against other countries. Which means, the threat of war is a constant fear for everyone around the world. It is also unfair for wealthy countries to be able to possess highly advanced weapons while many developing nations cannot afford weapons. Countries will also use chemical and biological weapons to threaten other countries with unfair and exploitative foreign policies. This might create a deeper cycle of wealth inequality and oppression.
(negatives) Moreover, using chemical and biological weapons will affect civilians and non-military areas as well. A country should be able to defend itself from threat, however protecting human rights is more important.
(in conclusion) In my opinion, there are no benefits for humanity if countries possess chemical or biological weapons. So I don’t think countries should have the right to have these weapons.

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