Is the Japanese healthcare system a good model for other countries?

I think the Japanese healthcare system is a good model for other countries. Let me explain why. Not only people, but also the government take healthcare very seriously. Japan provides healthcare for all residents through a mandatory insurance system. Japan’s healthcare coverage through this system is comprehensive, offers universal coverage and is easily accessible for everyone. Japan’s focus on preventative care and early intervention also contributes to high life expectancy and low infant mortality rates. Additionally, Japan’s healthcare system also regulates fees and medicine prices to make sure medicine is more accessible than other developed nations.
Although some parts of Japanese healthcare may depend on culture, I think Japan’s model can be adapted to work with different countries and cultures as well.

 Words and Phrases 
mandatory名詞: required by a law or rule : obligatory
see dictionary
comprehensive形容詞covering completely or broadly
see dictionary
universal coverage名詞healthcare system where all residents have access to necessary health services without facing financial difficulty
see dictionary
preventative形容詞concerned with preventing something from happening
see dictionary
life expectancy名詞the average lifespan of a person or animal
see dictionary
infant mortality rates名詞the number of infants who die each year
see dictionary
regulates動詞to govern or oversee something according to rules and laws
see dictionary
accessible形容詞capable of being used, reached, seen or influenced
see dictionary
intervention名詞the act of interfering, or coming in between time or events to change the outcome or result
see dictionary
work withフレーズcollaborate or cooperate with someone or something to achieve a common goal
see dictionary
verb: 動詞、noun: 名詞、adjective: 形容詞、adverb: 副詞

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