Strategy: +, +
Words and Phrases:
As we are aware, | phrase | ご承知のように |
demographic | noun | statistical characteristics of human populations. ex: age, gender, income, etc. see dictionary |
crisis | noun | a situation that has reached a critical phase see dictionary |
birthrate | noun | the ratio between births and people in a specific place and time see dictiosee dictionary |
*struggling (to struggle) | verb | to make great efforts see dictionary |
workforce | noun | the number of workers who are available to actively participate in the economy see dictionary |
sufficient | adjective | to be enough see dictionary |
labor force | noun | same as workforce see dictionary |
stagnation (to stagnate) | noun (verb) | to stop moving, to stop changing, to remain the same see dictionary |
vital | verb | critical or extremely important see dictionary |
demands | noun | asking for something see dictionary |
skilled workers | phrase | people who have specialized skills see dictionary |
bolster | verb | to boost or significantly improve see dictionary |
*innovation | noun | technological or cultural progression and change. see dictionary |
*sustain (sustainable) | verb (noun) | to keep up, to maintain see dictionary |
*boost | verb | to bolster, to significantly improve see dictionary |
integrated (integration) (integrate) | adjective (noun) (verb) | a part of something, to incorporate into something bigger, to blend into a unified whole see dictionary |
prosperity | noun | the condition of being successful or thriving see dictionary |
*rethink | verb | reconsider see dictionary |
*policies | noun | rules and regulations as mandated by the state see dictionary |
*ensure | verb | to make sure see dictionary |
Sample Answer:
I think allowing more immigrants into the country is a great idea if we do it right. Let me explain why.
(problem) As we are aware, Japan is facing a serious demographic crisis. Because of our rapidly aging population and a declining birthrate, the country is struggling to maintain its workforce and support its growing elderly population. Without a sufficient labor force, Japan’s economy could face stagnation, and vital services, such as healthcare, may struggle to meet increasing demands.
(solution) By inviting skilled workers from around the world, Japan can bolster its economy, increase innovation, and sustain its industries. Countries like Canada and Germany have successfully integrated immigrants, using their talents to boost economic growth and cultural diversity. Japan has the opportunity to do the same by opening its doors to those who can contribute to its future prosperity.
(in conclusion) We must rethink our current immigration system. To have a successful immigration system, we must have policies that ensure that immigrants are welcomed with support systems, including language education and cultural integration, to help them become active, contributing members of society. Japan’s rich culture and social harmony can be maintained through mutual respect and cooperation.
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